主持人:司玉林 副教授
报告一:Qua Vadis AI?
主讲人:土耳其Bogazici大学 Mustafa Okyay Kaynak教授
In the last two decades, significant technological advances have revolutionized various aspects of our lives and businesses, culminating in what we know as digital transformation. The latest driving force behind this transformation is artificial intelligence (AI). With roots extending over 65 years, AI is no longer just an ambitious concept but a leading technology shaping our world. Deep learning, a subset of AI, has been instrumental in powering innovations from self-driving cars to advanced language translation.
Mustafa Okyay Kaynak教授,土耳其科学院院士,联合国教科文组织机电一体化学科主席,IEEE Life Fellow,土耳其Bogazici大学电气与电子工程系名誉教授。他长期致力于智能系统与机电一体化领域的研究,在IEEE Trans.等期刊和会议上发表论文500余篇,出版英文专著3部。目前担任IEEE Trans.on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems创刊主编,曾任IEEE工业电子学会主席、IEEE工业电子学汇刊、IEEE工业信息学汇刊、IEEE/ASME机电一体化汇刊主编,获得IEEE第三届千禧奖章、尤金·米特尔曼成就奖。荣获中国政府友谊奖(2016年)、德国洪堡研究奖(2016年)、土耳其科学院研究奖(2020年)。
报告二:Embedded Systems for IoT and Edge Computing: Architectures and Applications
主讲人:西班牙Vigo大学 Juan José Rodríguez-Andina教授
Embedded systems play a fundamental role for the deployment of IoT / edge computing solutions. The ever-growing number of application domains where these solutions can be advantageously used ranges from personal sports gadgets to complex industrial systems. This variety of domains comes with very diverse data management and computation requirements for embedded systems, from basic processing solutions to complex artificial intelligence-based ones.
Juan Jose Rodriguez-Andina,西班牙Vigo大学教授,IEEE Fellow。他的主要研究方向为复杂感知控制与嵌入式系统。他累计发表论文180余篇,获得2023年 IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics 最佳论文奖和 2017 IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 最佳论文奖。他获得2020年IEEE工业电子协会Anthony Hornfeck奖。他在2013-2015年间担任IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine主编,2008-2018年间担任IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics副主编。从2024年1月起,他将担任IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics联合主编。