- Ming Li: This is Writing Key Point 2018-10-12
- Qiong Liu: Promoting Technology Protection and Transfer with High-quality Patents Layout 2018-10-12
- EckartMeiburg: High-resolution Numerical Simulation of Turbidity Currents 2018-10-08
- Thomas: What is the Sediment Transport Threshold? 2018-10-08
- WuRong Shih: Intermittency of Sediment Transport: From Initiation of Particle Motion to High Levels of Solid Discharges 2018-10-08
- HanbinGu: Assumption and Research of Wave Power Capture Devices on Ocean Squid Jigging Vessel 2018-09-18
- Ling Qian: Verification and validation of an overset mesh based numerical wave tank for offshore and ocean 2018-09-18
- Francis Turney: Calibration of a detailed model of sand transport(CFDEM) 2018-09-17
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