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求是海洋学术论坛2023年22期(总38期)——Advances in Sediment Transport Dynamics – Coastal Sediment Transport

作者: 发布日期:2023-12-18 访问次数:218



三、主讲人:美国克拉克森大学 吴伟明教授

四、报告题目:Advances in Sediment Transport Dynamics – Coastal Sediment Transport



This seminar covers: (1) wave propagation, e.g., shoaling, breaking, and radiation stress; (2) oscillatory flow and steady streaming in wave boundary layer; (3) bed shear stress under wave only and combined waves and currents; (3) sediment incipient motion under wave only and combined waves and currents; (4) bed forms, bed roughness, and grain and form roughness partition; (5) bed load and suspended load in general wave environments; (6) wave-induced currents and sediment transport in the surf zone; and (7) wave dynamics and sediment transport in in the swash zone. Focus will be given on the new methods and formulas described in chapter 13 of Sediment Transport Dynamics by Wu (2023).



吴伟明,美国克拉克森大学James K. Edzwald讲座教授,兼任世界泥沙研究学会(WASER)副主席,美国土木工程学会资深会士(ASCE Fellow),是国际泥沙动力学研究顶尖学者。曾先后担任ASCE计算水力学委员会、大坝/堤防溃决专委会和泥沙委员会主席;International Journal of Sediment Research, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering等国际学术期刊副主编。他开发了一系列关于河流,河口和海岸水流、泥沙、污染物输移和生态计算模型;建立了多个泥沙运动计算公式,其中不均匀输沙公式被国际同行推荐为最佳选择之一。已在期刊和会议上发表了超过150篇论文,2007年获得了 WASER最佳论文奖。先后由国际权威学术出版社Taylor & Francis出版学术专著两部:《Computational River Dynamics》和《Sediment Transport Dynamics》。