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求是海洋学术论坛2024年18期(总57期)——Hypes, Hopes, and the Way Forward for Microalgal Biotechnology

作者: 发布日期:2024-10-31 访问次数:136



三、主讲人:荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 Maria Barbosa教授

四、报告题目:Hypes, Hopes, and the Way Forward for Microalgal Biotechnology



The urge for food security and sustainability has advanced the field of microalgal biotechnology. Microalgae are microorganisms able to grow using (sun)light, fertilizers, sugars, CO2, and seawater. They have high potential as a feedstock for food, feed, energy, and chemicals while being able to recycle nutrients. Microalgae grow faster and have higher areal productivity than plant crops, without competing for agricultural land, and with 100% efficiency uptake of fertilizers. In comparison with bacterial, fungal, and yeast single-cell protein production, based on hydrogen or sugar, microalgae show higher land use efficiency. New insights are given into the potential of microalgae replacing soy protein, fish oil, and palm oil, and being used as cell factories in modern industrial biotechnology, to produce designer feed, recombinant proteins, biopharmaceuticals, and vaccines.



Maria Barbosa,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学和研究中心教授,AlgaePARC主任,获荷兰瓦赫宁根大学生物过程工程博士学位,研究兴趣是微藻菌株的改良、培养和放大。同时担任荷兰生物技术协会(NBV)主席,以及欧洲藻类生物质协会(EABA)指导委员会委员。曾在瑞士ETH(瑞士联邦理工学院)、IBET和德国EMBO(欧洲分子生物学组织)工作。她目前领导微藻生物技术小组,以及数个大型研究项目,涵盖整个微藻生产链及多个领域的应用,包括食品和饲料等。