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作者: 发布日期:2024-11-21 访问次数:121



三、主持人:浙江大学海洋学院 瞿逢重教授 胡鹏教授



主讲人:英国南安普敦大学 Andrew Cundy教授

报告题目:Our Anthropocene Planet  are we in a new geological epoch, and why does it matter?


There is a strong argument within the Earth and Ocean Science community (and more widely) that the Earth has moved well beyond the bounds and variability of the current Holocene geological epoch into an epoch where humans have become a dominant biogeochemical and geological force on the planet on a global scale  the Anthropocene. This presentation will discuss concepts of and evidence for the Anthropocene, examining (a) the evidence for our accelerating impact on the planet, and how this has been recorded via radioactive, geochemical, biological and other fingerprints in the Earths sedimentary materials (ocean sediments, terrestrial soils, biological deposits (corals) and ice), and (b) the wider academic and societal relevance of the Anthropocene, however defined, in understanding and managing our impact on our planet.


Andrew Cundy,南安普敦大学海洋与地球科学学院环境放射化学教授(兼国际化主任)。他在环境科学和地质学方面拥有30多年的研究经验,研究方向包括水生和陆地污染,环境放射性和放射化学,受污染的土地、废物和水管理,环境变化的沉积记录,海岸和景观变化等,发表了150多篇论文。他曾任人类纪工作组投票成员,现任国际地质科学计划(国际地质科学联合会和教科文组织)地质灾害委员会成员,该委员会专注于国际地球科学能力建设和可持续发展。



主讲人:英国南安普敦大学 Jörg Wiedenmann 教授

报告题目:Advancing coral reef science through experimentation in controlled laboratory settings


The aquarium facility of the Coral Reef Laboratory at the University of Southampton is a fully established system for coral reef experimentation. The facility hosts representatives of a broad range of coral taxa and other reef organisms in mesocosm settings. It includes a coral nursery to produce coral replicates for experimental studies. The aquarium concepts support long-term experiments with reef building corals under tightly controlled conditions. This presentation will use case studies to demonstrate the versatility of this experimental approach to understand symbiotic corals and their interaction with environmental parameters including light, temperature, salinity and nutrients.


Jörg Wiedenmann,南安普敦大学生物海洋学教授,同时主持珊瑚礁实验室相关工作。研究方向为珊瑚-藻类共生机制以及环境条件变化如何影响珊瑚礁生态系统,并在探究营养环境下对珊瑚礁白化方面的影响卓有建树,其研究进一步发现了新的珊瑚共生物种,使珊瑚能够在最炎热的珊瑚礁环境中生存。他和他的实验室成员分离并设计的几种珊瑚荧光色素,已成为生物医学研究中广泛使用的成像工具。截止目前,已发表超过100 余篇学术论文和成果。