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求是海洋学术论坛2025年02期(总66期)——Harmful Algal Blooms at the intersection of eutrophication and climate change

作者: 发布日期:2025-01-06 访问次数:81



三、主讲人:美国马里兰大学 Patricia Glibert教授

四、报告题目:Harmful Algal Blooms at the intersection of eutrophication and climate change



There is no doubt that our oceans are changing rapidly. They are warming, many are eutrophic and becoming (or are already) hypoxic, and many are experiencing effects of acidification. Responses of the phytoplankton to these many stresses are often complex, often nonlinear, and difficult to predict. In a future ocean, non-harmful diatoms may be disproportionately stressed and mixotrophs (those plankton with the dual ability to eat and photosynthesize) may be advantaged due to changing nutrient stoichiometry and forms of nutrients, temperature, stratification and oceanic pH. Modeling is advancing, but there is much yet to be understood, in terms of physiology, biogeochemistry and trophodynamics and how both harmful and nonharmful taxa may change in an uncertain future driven by anthropogenic activities. This talk will review these changes and highlight how the harmful blooms in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and in the Chesapeake Bay have changed or may change under future scenarios.



Patricia Glibert,美国马里兰大学终身教授,博士毕业于哈佛大学,美国科学促进会院士(AAAS Fellow)。研究领域:Transformations and fate of inorganic and organic nitrogen in marine and estuarine systems; global changes in the nitrogen cycle by anthropogenic activities; ecology of phytoplankton in estuarine and oceanic environments; primary productivity and its regulation by environmental factors; stable isotope techniques; eutrophication, its effects and global changes therein; growth, physiology and mixotrophy of marine cyanobacteria and harmful algal bloom species; effects of harmful algae on early stages of shellfish growth; ecological stoichiometry and its effects on aquatic food web structure and invasive species; top-down control of nitrogen cycling; effects of ocean fertilization for carbon sequestration.