求是海洋青年论坛2025年08期(总72期)——Reversible Elastomer-Fluid Transitions for Metamorphosic Robots
三、主讲人:香港中文大学 杨旸博士
四、报告题目:Reversible Elastomer-Fluid Transitions for Metamorphosic Robots
Current studies on underwater soft robots mainly focus on structure designs and actuation methods; however, endowing underwater soft robots with reversible phase transition ability, especially between elastomer and fluid states, can significantly broaden their functionality and applicability. Limited attempts have been made to realize the reversible elastomer-fluid transition. Existing phase transition materials in robotics have over-hard (~4 GPa) or over-soft (~4 kPa) stiffness in the solid states, which should be further investigated to perform more compliant motions. Advanced reversible phase transitions for metamorphosic robots demand sufficient elasticity in the elastomer state, rapidity and reversibility of the transition state, and controllable fluidity in the fluid state. To address these challenges, we present a reversible elastomer-fluid transition mechanism for metamorphosic robots enabled by magnetically induced hot melt materials (MIMMs). The proposed elastomer-fluid transitions open a new path for robots to generate more flexible and metamorphosic motions, thereby addressing the cross-phase transformation challenges that soft robots face.
杨旸,于2022年在浙江大学海洋学院获得博士学位,从事水下瞬变速软体机器人学研究,2021-2022年在新加坡国立大学作为访问学者从事软体机器人及其生物医学工程应用研究,2022-2025年在香港中文大学从事博士后研究员工作,从事磁致相变材料及其生物医用软体机器人应用,研究主要针对消化道及呼吸道的狭窄腔道导航及其在途复杂操作。杨旸博士及其团队的瞬变速水下软体机器人系列研究,于2024年在联合国维也纳总部获授9th Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water的Creativity Prize;他至今在期刊和会议上发表了超过25篇论文,并担任Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing的客座主编,Biomimetics和Electronics的客座编辑,担任国际系列会议International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction and Robotics的常任大会技术主席,并担任多个Q1Top期刊的审稿人。